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Minor Syntax Edits

Plot Construction

​W​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​riting comes from the heart. Built on passion and a drive to share what is so inherent within. As a result, writers often miss what is right in front of them; a major pitfall that can lead to negative branding. A brand that will follow the writer throughout their career. Many first time authors who publish too soon, without thorough editing, fall into this trap. Writing something over and over again causes our perception to falter. It's natural and an absolute fact that we grow so comfortable with our words, we don't see the glaring and sometimes not so glaring, mistakes. A professional will spot those nuances, and assess the manuscript for the harder to find structural flaws; mistakes even skilled beta readers are not equipped to find. 

​Below is a highlighted sample of what we look for and cover in our evaluation package, but in no way does it encompass the entire process. All of our services are done via Microsoft Track Changes and are tailored to fit your specific needs. We don't require change, we suggest. We work closely with you to make sure your manuscript is exactly as you envisioned it, only better. Each package includes a 30 minute phone or Skype chat, where we discuss how to incorporate our thoughts with yours, but we are readily available day and night via email. We are compassionate because we are writers too; however, we will not always say what you want to hear...but we wouldn't be doing our job if we did.


​P​​​​​​​​​​​lease contact us for more info and to set up your free introductory evaluation. We also work with aspiring authors with one-on-one coaching. 

Here's a little taste of what we do...

Level of reader engagement, continuity, and cause and effect are some of the elements we look for. Is your opening effective? We essentially diagnose any issues, or problems that we feel could use work and edit them to make your story more effective.

We are not line editors, but we will point out major syntactical errors. Some of the issues we address are clumsy sentences; over usage and repetitive words, major spelling problems, paragraph formation and clichés. Again, we aren't line editing, but we will point out as many issues as possible.

Character development is key. We look at each character and make sure they are fleshed out, dimensional and engaging for the reader. We look at the response they illicit and whether it works for the novel, making suggestions but also providing useful tips and tricks.


Starting from page one we assess the major and minor narrative elements; conflict, rising action, climax and resolution. We also look at dialogue and focus on getting the most organic voice for your characters.

Character Development


** Although we provide some syntax edits, we are NOT line editors. If you are in need of one, we will let you know and point you in the direction of a reputable and trusted line editor. 

We work with new writers who are having trouble getting started. Our job is to guide the writer toward their best story, by providing ideas that focus on developing characters, creating an effective narrative, developing plot, writing with an active voice, and much more. So if you haven't started traversing that rocky road but don't know where to begin....we have you covered.

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