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We understand how important it is to obtain quality, professional, non-biased edits. We know, because along with being branding and editing professionals, we are also writers. It is a requirement of GG. This not only gives us perspective, it also pairs you with a specialist who has a deep understanding of just how important an authors first impression is. It is make or break; your time to shine and we want to be with you every step of the way.


Each of our evaluators is highly specialized. Some of them for their esteemed work in the industry, others for their professional reviewing skills and work editing. All evaluators are sensitive to the art and the writers needs, because GG focuses on leading, not correcting. We are not line editors, we are content editors that pay special attention to the structure, narrative, voice and other macro elements of book design. We work with you as a guide, never against.

All of GG's Public Relations and Branding Specialists hold degrees in PR, Communications or Journalism; some specializing in social media marketing and platform building. It is a common misconception that if you write it, they will read. Well, that is simply not true. A book needs an audience and no one will see a book if the author remains silent. Thanks to the social media marketing groundswell and an influential blogger network, authors can begin work on what was once the job of publishing companies and literary agencies. In fact, platform building before the query letters go out is expected.

Don't waste another minute waiting for the call from a literary agent because without a solid commitment and prepped media package, it most likely won't happen, contact us now for a free consultation.

Tip: Readers judge books by the covers and too many authors don't spend the needed time on designing them. I can't tell you how many times I have turned down a book review simply because I didn't want the cheap looking cover defacing the magazine.


- Sara O'Connor (Owner and Managing Editor of


Your success is our success




Passionate about the industry, compassionate with you. We promise to provide quality feedback that guides, never criticizing. We know, because we write too. 

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